Sunday, 24 September 2017


The local militia organization of Hamilton in 1883 was the 13th Battalion, a unit in which most Hamiltonians took great interest and pride.
A memorable evening for the 13th Battalion was on November 24, 1883 :
“Last evening the prizes won at the seventeenth annual rifle matches of the 13th Battalion were presented at the Drill Shed. The occasion called forth a large attendance of ‘fair women and brave men.’
“These matches were held on the 17th and 18th of October last, and would have been distributed earlier only that the regiment were fully occupied in preparing for the annual inspection two weeks ago by General Luard.
“The corps has every reason to be proud of the display made last night, as besides the prizes to be given out, the various trophies won by the regiment, and now in permanent possession, were exhibited. On a dias situated on the north side of the shed, these trophies were displayed, and consisted of over twenty pieces of solid silver and electroplate which over $2,000, ranging from the large silver cup presented by the merchants of Toronto to the O.R.A., which cost $500, and was won permanently won by the 13th two years ago, to the more modest but handsome cups won by individual members of the battalion.
“The battalion was formed up in line facing the dias, officers in front, and the distribution of the individual prizes was made by Lt.-Col. Skinner, when over 100 prizes, valued at about $400 were given to the successful competitors. Major Moore assisted Col. Skinner in this part of the proceeding by calling out the names of the men, and the names of the donors where they were in kind. As the winners came forward, they were in many instances heartily cheered by their comrades and the audience.
“After the presentation, Col. Skinner made an address in which he complimented the corps on their success during the year. He thanked the gentlemen and ladies who by their presence that night evinced their interest in the regiment, and also who through their generosity had so good a prize list this year.
“The Mayor, at Col. Skinner’s request, also addressed the regiment and their friends, and expressed the satisfaction that he, as Chief Magistrate recently felt when he heard the approving remarks of General Luard to the 13th, an officer who was not given to bestowing praise when it was not due.  He considered that the 13th possessed some of the best marksmen in the Dominion, who made reputations for themselves not only in Canada but in the mother at Wimbledon, and hoped that the corps would long maintain its present distinction.
“After the presentation, the regiment was dismissed, and the band played a short selection, while the officers received their friends in their quarters and dispensed the hospitality for which the corps is so well-known on such occasions. The officers’ rooms were thrown open, and their elegance was greatly enhanced by the handsome floral display made by Mr. Robert Harper, gardener of the Drill Shed grounds. A large number of the elite of Hamilton were present and many expressions of pleasure were heard.”

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